One of the best examples of effective teacher evaluation over time, from both the perspective of the faculty and the Administration, exists at the Haverford School […]
Ladder, Band and Range Considerations and the School’s Philosophy of Compensation In independent schools, the four key elements of compensation planning are: the philosophy of compensation; […]
In a time of economic uncertainty and an anticipated teacher shortage, independent schools are searching for ways to attract and retain quality teachers. One way is […]
A common misconception among heads of school and teachers in US and international schools is that professional growth and teacher accountability are either incompatible objectives, or […]
State schools, public schools, independent schools and international schools throughout the world are studying and undertaking dramatic changes in teacher salary systems and structures. These changes, […]
The Best of Times For Independent Schools Independent schools are experiencing the best of times. Fund raising as well as tuition are going up steadily. Most […]
There are serious problems in the structure of our boards and our schools that damage their long-term financial and emotional health. This is caused by the […]
(Part One of a Four Part Letter on Governance) Regaining Institutional Memory Twenty years ago many board members of independent schools served without term limits, and […]