Most independent schools have moved now from individually negotiated salary decisions, often inherited from prior heads, to public school type lock step lane and track scales. […]
In the realm of international and independent schools, boards and heads talk frequently about wanting and needing professional teacher evaluation/appraisal. Yet in most of our schools […]
Does your school have a “mission based compensation” delivery system? Are the board and school leadership even familiar with the term? The concept of “mission based […]
I. An Interesting Model Picture a well known boarding school which has four compensation “strands”: 1. There is a typical, age based salary scale, up to […]
Many boards today are asking their heads and directors to explore the challenging concept of merit pay. In the corporate and business context merit pay seems […]
Over the past year, there has been a sea of change in the compensation practices for heads of schools/directors worldwide. Recently, a Recruiter whose client is […]
While the compensation of some independent and international school heads may have been held in check during the recession, and some heads may have passed up […]
I. Data Gathering In the United States and Canada (but less so for international schools) there is a plethora of data gathered on executive compensation. Some […]
Since 1982, in facilitating over 5,000 head/director compensation reviews worldwide on behalf of boards, this consultant has seen the following core messages consistently emerge and stand […]