In the corporate world, succession planning is the norm. Boards expect the business leaders who are accountable to them to plan for the succession of the […]
Heads and board leaders continue to find themselves in troubled waters on the topic of vaccination and masking protocols. When you include the continuing cultural wars […]
Many schools’ strategic plans from the prior three years are no longer relevant, vaguely remembered, only partially implemented, or simply no longer making sense in the […]
Most nonprofit independent and international school boards suffer from the loss of institutional memory due to the turnover of board members. Board turnover usually results from […]
There may not be many long term heads these days, although there should be. Following one can be a challenge for the successor unless the successor […]
Over the past 30 years, as part of Littleford & Associates work with schools on salary system design, benefits and evaluation protocols, John Littleford has interviewed […]
A Board Chair of an international school Client recently wrote: “I reread my notes from Thursday’s summary call and yesterday’s workshop and have identified a number […]