In these unprecedented, highly uncertain and stressful times, boards are pressing heads for answers to these questions: “Should we cut tuition? Should we cut staff? Should […]
Enrollment challenges for certain schools in specific environments have always been there. Some fortunate few are located in major metro areas with high demand for independent […]
These are treacherous times for all schools and heads. However, they are even more challenging for those starting either a new head of school role or […]
Thousands of boards worldwide have retained Littleford & Associates to benchmark head/director compensation since 1983. We help to assess the market replacement costs for sitting heads, […]
I. The Big Picture Many independent schools have been experiencing strong fund raising and endowment growth. Many, but not all, are also experiencing strong enrollment demand. […]
Even in this age of social media, positive word of mouth remains a powerful recruitment strategy for independent schools that are seeking to deepen their applicant […]
When new heads are hired from the outside, boards often give them very ambitious goals. Boards are excited for change, but overly ambitious goals usually mean […]
Most teachers, in our experience, when asked the value of their total compensation package, focus on the cash portion of their compensation. What do they leave […]
The key questions for boards and heads considering a process of strategic planning are these: 1. Are we undertaking strategic planning now just because the accrediting […]