Recently this Consultant walked into the library of a client school where I was helping this school review mission-based compensation, evaluation and benefit systems. I passed […]
This Consultant spoke recently to a new Head who followed an ousted Head and began making changes before creating sufficient political capital with constituents. The Board […]
Littleford & Associates has helped boards benchmark the compensation for thousands of school heads worldwide since 1983. Many of these schools retain us annually or every […]
John Littleford spoke to TAS parents about defining excellence in independent/international schools. He also conducts annual governance workshops for the TAS Board of Directors. Read the […]
A particularly dangerous moment arrives when a normally supportive board member(s) with power, charisma, and sometimes resources, breaks from the general board consensus about a key […]
Littleford & Associates has worked with almost 3000 schools in 30 years to help them design mission-based salary systems that focus on workload, salary system models […]
There are at least three types of search committee behaviors: The Highly Inclusive Model The Chair Leads Model The Confusing Model I. The Highly Inclusive Model […]
In discussing successful head of school transition, Littleford & Associates has maintained that no board should add a strategic planning process to a new head’s goals […]
Parents are conveying to school leadership their anxieties and complaints about how and when school will open and the risks associated with opening; the value proposition […]