The Backdrop At a recent strategic planning workshop, a board member asked: “What are the key themes affecting independent schools nationwide?” One is the underlying tone […]
How do boards of independent and international schools and other nonprofits become and remain “healthy?” That means that these boards know how and are able to […]
Many heads, whether first-time, experienced, newly arrived or longer term, make the mistake of taking on an overly ambitious list of goals. Sometimes boards strongly encourage […]
“Best practice”, right? Not in the opinion of this Consultant who has seen firsthand the damage that these two practices can bring about for schools, heads […]
Since its inception 28 years ago, Littleford & Associates has delivered a singular message: true generative/strategic governance is about blue sky thinking and big ideas, i.e. […]
In these unprecedented, highly uncertain and stressful times, boards are pressing heads for answers to these questions: “Should we cut tuition? Should we cut staff? Should […]
Enrollment challenges for certain schools in specific environments have always been there. Some fortunate few are located in major metro areas with high demand for independent […]