Most boards embrace a head of school search enthusiastically. Searches are exciting and usually transformative. Because they are also time-consuming and often exhausting, most boards do […]
One of the cardinal tenets of healthy board governance is that the combination of long-term, supportive board chairs and long-term board members produces long-term heads. This […]
In our experience both processes can work but the statistics are powerfully on the side of appointing an internal candidate. Almost 90% of international and US […]
Selecting a new head of school is a momentous task that creates not only excitement and passion but intricate governance challenges. Since hiring, compensating, rewarding, and […]
I. Two Types of Plans Most independent school heads plan to retire in part on the distribution from their 403(b) plan to which they have contributed […]
There are at least three types of search committee behaviors: The Highly Inclusive Model The Chair Leads Model The Confusing Model I. The Highly Inclusive Model […]
Introduction Too often boards (and heads) focus on the excitement and challenge of the search process, and very few boards pay much attention at all to […]