At a recent Conference, this Consultant overheard the following comments by members of this particular regional independent school group: “Half of our schools are growing in […]
Even in this age of social media, positive word of mouth remains a powerful recruitment strategy for independent schools that are seeking to deepen their applicant […]
Parents are conveying to school leadership their anxieties and complaints about how and when school will open and the risks associated with opening; the value proposition […]
Many schools did not raise tuition for 2009-2010 but others did by 5-8% or more. A few schools pulled principal away from their endowment to bridge […]
Recently several schools have retained Littleford & Associates to assess worldwide workload patterns, length of school day and many aspects of how they manage their income […]
How does a school reduce an often overblown mission statement containing overused words to less than five to seven pithy, powerful and memorable ones? How does […]
The Trends Having recently spent nearly eight weeks in China, India, Jordan and Peru working with some prominent international school clients, I have come away with […]
Your mission statement counts, but only if it can be readily known and interpreted. A prominent Canadian School for boys has a “tagline” that is also […]